The Cactus at
Church Were in
Full Bloom on
Monday, August 3

Come By and Sign the Habitat Stud

    Come on by the fellowship hall and sign the Habitat stud. They will be built into the next Habitat House this fall.  You have until September 15 to come by.  Share your prayers and best wishes for Gary’s new house and his two young boys.

More Kiva Loans Confirmands Help Choose

Veronique  Cameroon/Fruits & vegetables    $25 
$25 A loan of $350 helps to buy more stocks of fresh foods
(plantains, taro, and cassava).

Abisunzekristo Cb Group    
A loan of totaling $3,500 helps a member to increase the stock of various types of food in her restaurant

Yeremy Rafael     
Alpha, Gutierrez Brown, Coto Brus,
 Puntarenas, Costa Rica / Cattle    $25 
A loan of $525 helps to purchase calves
 to raise so he can take advantage of his land.