Theology on Tap—Sunday October 16th 4 – 7pm at Hill Country Tap 5441 FM 1102 New Braunfels in the top pavilion area that will be reserved for us. Food and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available. Come early to get food and get settled so we can begin our conversation at 4:30pm!
Realm Support—Sunday October 16th after worship. Download the Realm Connect app on your phone or iPad and let other members help you activate your Realm account and learn to navigate around to stay in touch with your Faith family through prayer requests, events, special projects, and more.
Faithful Praise rehearsal—Monday Oct. 17th 7:15pm All welcome!
Youth Missional Giving—Help support Faith Church Youth as they raise money to wipe out predatory and unjust medical debt for families in need in Texas. They will be in the Narthex each Sunday through December 11th offering coffee, cocoa, and cider for donations. Our current goal is $400 and we raised $85 our first Sunday. For each dollar they raise, RIP Medical Debt can pay off approximately $100 in medical debt, meaning we can help pay off $4000 of medical bills for families before Christmas. Go to https://ripmedicaldebt.org/campaign/texas/faith1957? to learn more about and give to our campaign.
Souper Supper Wednesdays—Beginning NEXT Wednesday, Oct 19th, 6-7pm and occurring every other Wednesday through December 14th…Come for food, fellowship, and learning around various topics led by Pastor Carla and Lisa Newman.
Our first topic will be on Love Languages and an introduction to Attachment Styles that can help or hurt our relationships. (Take the Love Language quiz here to learn yours: https://5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/love-language)
We’ll gather and get our food from 6:00 – 6:15p then hold our discussion from 6:15 – 7:00p. One soup will be vegan and grain free. The other will be fully loaded. Bring sides or snacks to compliment the meal if you wish (but not required) and your own beverage.
These sessions will be Zoomed but not recorded or broadcast on social media. Use the regular Sunday worship zoom link to join us virtually at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/586745671?pwd=aG0wUnZTR3NIKzBXUXp1Vkh2KzJXQT09
Meeting ID: 586 745 671
Password: 008518
Series Topics:
11/2 Myers Briggs—empathy and understanding for others types and our own while not excusing behavior
11/16 Crucial Conversations
11/30 Boundaries/passive aggression v aggression, shame vs guilt
12/14 Blue Christmas—Worthiness, not alone, holiday blues, prepping to be around relatives—more of a simple service with communion
Please RSVP to Pastor Carla or Lisa Newman so we will know how much soup to make. Should this event be well-attended, we will consider adding a mid-week mini-worship service in the near future.
55+ Social at the Robinsons’ home—Oct 23rd. The 55 Plus Group will meet on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at Charlie and Pam Robinson’s home. We plan to gather on their deck at 1:30 pm. RSVP Pam Robinson at [email protected] for directions and to let her know what finger snack food you might bring.
Parking is very limited so it is suggested we arrange to carpool from the church parking lot gathering about 1 pm.
Faith Church 2023 Stewardship Pledge Campaign coming in November
Slumber Falls S’mores Roast—Nov 4th 6-9pm
Thanksgiving Potluck after worship Nov 13th
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship at Peace Lutheran Church—Nov 17th 6:30pm
Monthly Youth Gathering—Nov 6th
Pastor Carla’s Installation Sunday December 11th 3:00pm
No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant December 18th during worship