The UCC is working with relief agencies through the Reformed Church in Hungary to “provide shelter, food, and other care to war refugees and internally displaced people” as well as “refugees and asylum seekers from African, Middle Eastern, and other countries who had sought refuge in Ukraine and now are twice displaced…”

One Faith Church family has anonymously donated $1,000 in addition to their regular tithes and offerings to Faith Church to donate toward these efforts. They invite other Faith families to do the same. By Wednesday, March 16th, all monies collected through Faith Church will be sent to the UCC to add our efforts to those of our Global Partners seeking to care for those facing unimaginable horrors.  

To give in addition to your regular tithes and offerings, please designate in the memo or message (on-line giving) area that you want your extra gift to go to support the people of Ukraine.  May God bless us as we seek solutions to this tragedy, and the tragedy of all armed conflict in our world.