Pastor Carla recently spoke at City Council, along with other advocates on behalf of The Homeless Coalition, to support the First Footing Shelter.  Council Members were to very receptive and Mayor Rusty even sent a note of thanks and congratulations to the group.  Council has been flooded with Christians speaking against First Footing’s attempt to move to the old Senior Center and our houseless neighbors need us to offer an alternative view. 

You are asked to speak to your personal feelings about why, as a person of faith, you believe the First Footing Shelter and other services to our neighbors needing shelter are important.  Meetings begin at 6pm and this portion comes very early on the agenda.  We can speak up to 5 minutes. Kellie Stallings, Director of the First Footing program, plans to be there every meeting with data about why and how we can help those without housing, many of whom have jobs and simply need support.

After our first attempt to speak with a united front February 28th, Kellie sent the following email:
“Dear Passionate Partners- I cannot thank you enough for your heartfelt, eloquent, and AMAZING comments during the City Council meeting on Monday night. WOW! Each of you were SO on target with expressing the needs in our community and the reason services are needed (both for homelessness and for mental health services/suicide prevention). It gave me goosebumps! Since that time, one of the outspoken speakers against a potential service location has said she now supports the project and the location!! I think all of the prayer warriors must have worked overtime-talk about prayers answered!! I hope you are reading this Friday morning and this helps make your weekend. The work does not end, but it is so good to see signs of hope and understanding that vulnerable and hurting populations in our community deserve dignity and care and support. Thank you so much for using your voice to influence others to see the silent parts of our community.”  

Council meeting dates are March 14th, March 28th, and April 11th.  If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Carla for ways you can lend your voice.

Homeless Coalition Zoom Meeting March 22nd 1:30pm—Attendees Needed  

Multiple agencies and programs in New Braunfels seeking to support our siblings facing housing insecurity gather monthly by Zoom to discuss needs, share information, and coordinate efforts.  Pastor Carla attended the February meeting, but needs others from the congregation to join the meetings to help strengthen our connection to these incredible groups. If you are interested in attending, please contact Pastor Carla.

More Information About Homelessness in Our Community

To learn more about the needs of our siblings on the streets and in the woods and efforts being made to support them, please read these three articles from the Herald, and ask Pastor Carla about ways you can be involved in these efforts.