Join us for this 6 week study using Rev. Jim Antal’s book “Climate Church, Climate Change: How People of Faith Must Work for Change”.  Archbishop Desmond Tutu says of Jim Antal’s book,   “Jim Antal shows how the church can engage the urgent moral crisis of climate change. This book will inspire both the courage and conviction people of faith need to provide the leadership necessary to realise [sic] God’s dream of a just world in which humanity is reconciled to all of creation.”

    We will not have time to read the whole book.  We will focus on the first six chapters.  Please read the chapter before coming to the Lenten Study.

March 4: Ch 1   The Situation We Find Ourselves In p. 9-29
March 11: Ch 2  A Loving God for a Broken World p. 31-40
March 18: Ch 3   The Church’s Vocation Today p. 47-62
March 25: Ch 4   The Marks of the Church In a Climate Crisis World p. 65-78
April 1: Ch  5   Discipleship: Reorienting What We Prize p. 81-99
April 8: Ch 6   Worship as a Pathway to Freedom p. 101-118

Pastor Scott will provide the books or you can go online and get an ebook.  We will gather at 6:30 for soup and bread and take turns providing these.  The study will run from 7-8:15 p.m.

Check out Jim Antal’s website at